
How I Taught Tidymodels, Virtually

Some reflections on my third time teaching tidymodels for machine learning, and doing it virtually.

How I Teach R Markdown

A handful of guiding principles for introducing beginners to the R Markdown family of packages.

Take a Sad Script & Make it Better: Tidymodels Edition

Taking a sad script and making it better for model cross-validation.

Learning to Teach Machines to Learn

I’m excited to be teaching a new workshop at the upcoming rstudio::conf in January called “Introduction to Machine Learning with the Tidyverse”, with my colleague Garrett Grolemund. Our workshop just sold out over the weekend!

A Spoonful of Hugo: Troubleshooting Your Build

A few troubleshooting strategies to save your sanity

A Spoonful of Hugo: Page Bundles

Why (and how) you should use Hugo’s new page bundles feature

A Spoonful of Hugo: The netlify.toml File

Why you should use a netlify.toml file in your blogdown site

A Spoonful of Hugo: Archetypes

Why you should use Hugo archetypes in your blogdown site

Read Data with Multiple Header Rows into R

Using the readr package to sidestep a common problem

R-Ladies Presentation Ninja

A guide to using the R-Ladies xaringan slide theme