Machine Learning for Large Scale Logistics Platform

Sub-project : ​​An online recommendation system based on collaborative filtering for implicit data using sentiment and frequency dependent weighting schemes.
Technical details :

  • Implemented a state of the art algorithm for online collaborative filtering based on Fast Matrix Factorization for Online Recommendation with Implicit Feedback (He et al.) using Numpy.
  • Integrated element-wise Alternating Least Squares (eALS) based incremental update strategy for online learning.
  • Developed an online collaborative filtering based deep recommender algorithm based on AutoEncoder in tensorflow.
  • Used the VADER model in NLTK for sentiment analysis of comments.
  • Improved results of algorithm by using interaction count and sentiment dependent weighting scheme for the observed data and a frequency aware weighting scheme for the missing data.
  • Built multiple Kafka consumers and producer for parallely consuming real time interaction data of comments, likes and views to produce online recommendations for users.
  • Used locust to simulate parallel user interaction to test recommendation algorithm.
  • Used an eventually consistent engagement database (Couchbase) for storing user and item based data.

Sub-Project: ​​Identification and Classification of toxic comments. Technical Details:

  • Implemented a Bidirectional LSTM based model using Keras for flagging toxic comments based on six metrics.
  • Built Kafka consumer and producer data-pipelines for recording and processing new comments.